Roundup Tracker

"Sourceforge issue 1727967": wanted to display the roundup version at the bottom of every web page. This is easy to do today with a small extension and edits to the templates. I'm putting this up on the wiki so that others with similar issues can see what needs to be done.

First create the file extensions/ with following contents:

    from roundup import __version__ as roundup_version

    def getversion():
        return roundup_version

    def init(tracker):
        tracker.registerUtil('roundup_version', getversion)

Now you have a new util function that you can in your html templates. Decide where you want the version number to show up and edit the templates as necessary to reference *utils/roundup_version*. If you want to add a footer to every page you can add it to the end of the *icing* macro in page.html:

    <span tal:replace="utils/roundup_version">version number</span>

-- Justus