Roundup Tracker

You can create a short URL (ie. mytracker.mydomain.maindomain) for your tracker by using Apache Virtual Host directives. The first two examples use Apache web server with Mod Python as described in Roundup setup configuration: . Last example uses Apache to redirect requests to Roundup's own webserver. Please consult Apache Virtual Host documentation for additional information or directives.

On UNIX flavors this may look something like this:

<VirtualHost mytracker mytracker.mydomain.maindomain>
        ServerName      mytracker.mydomain.maindomain
        ServerAdmin     myemail@mydomain.maindomain

        AliasMatch ^/@@file(.*) /data/mytracker/html$1
        AliasMatch ^/(?!@@file)(.*) /data/mytracker/html/$1

        DocumentRoot    /data/mytracker/html
        <Directory      /data/mytracker/html>
                # Default allow policy
                Order Deny,Allow

        AddHandler      python-program .py
        PythonOptimize  On
        PythonPath      "sys.path + ['/local/roundup/lib/python2.5/site-packages']"
        PythonHandler   roundup.cgi.apache
        PythonOption    TrackerHome     /data/mytracker

On Windows this may look something like this:

<VirtualHost mytracker mytracker.mydomain.maindomain>
        ServerName      mytracker.mydomain.maindomain
        ServerAdmin     myemail@mydomain.maindomain

        AliasMatch ^/@@file(.*) C:/data/mytracker/html$1
        AliasMatch ^/(?!@@file)(.*) C:/data/mytracker/html/$1

        DocumentRoot    C:/data/mytracker/html
        <Directory      C:/data/mytracker/html>
                        # Default allow policy
                        Order deny,allow

        AddHandler      python-program .py
        PythonOptimize  On
        PythonPath      C:/Python24/python.exe
        PythonHandler   roundup.cgi.apache
        PythonOption    TrackerHome     /data/mytracker

Following example uses Apache to direct requests to Roundup's own webserver yet allows for short URL. This configuration may work if you run into trouble with file permissions due to Apache running as a different user.

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName mytracker.mydomain.maindomain

    AliasMatch ^/@@file/(.*) /home/data/mytracker/html/$1

    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteRule ^/([0-9]+)$ http://mydomain.maindomain/sf/$1 [R,L]
    RewriteRule ^/(?!@@file/)(.*) http://localhost:8080/mytracker/$1 [P]

 ErrorLog      /var/log/apache2/mytracker-error.log

From wiki Wed Feb 20 03:08:16 +1100 2008
From: wiki
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 03:08:16 +1100
Subject: 1st RewriteRule?

I don't understand the sense of the 1st RewriteRule in the last example (Roundup server):

RewriteRule ^/([0-9]+)$ http://mydomain.maindomain/sf/$1 [R,L]

And the <Directory> section is needed here as well (if the AliasMatch is used), I suppose...