Roundup Tracker

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Roundup 1.5.0 added experimental support for the Jinja2 templating engine and comes with a basic responsive template based on Bootstrap named jinja2.

To start a fresh demo with this template:

python -t jinja2 nuke

Also this template includes simplemde to support using markdown in issue notes provided you install one of: markdown2, markdown or mistune python libraries.

(20160317) at time of writing, v1.5.1 and the development version have a defect when dealing with non-ascii characters. v1.5.1 comes with a jinja2 content filter function |u which can be used to fix the problem in the templates. However this fix has not yet been applied to all values in the template file, see #811. (fixed)

(20160317) The search page is missing, see #901 (fixed)

See the status of all issues tagged 'jinja2'.