Roundup Tracker

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User management/Notification/UI

MergeUserAccounts -- a method to try to merge two (or more) user accounts

RemovingUsers -- Some ideas on what removing a user means and what steps are needed.

RoundupReminder -- Remind people by email about their open issues

ShortURL -- Create a short URL for your tracker with Apache Virtual Host


AntiSpam -- Methods for keeping spam out of Roundup trackers

RoundupWithApparmor - use Apparmor (Linux kernel security module that allows the system administrator to restrict programs' capabilities with per-program profiles.) to secure your system when running roundup.

AddingContentSecurityPolicy - CSP adds security to prevent cross site scripting (XSS) and data injection attacks. These can be added on a per tracker basis.

OauthAuthentication - notes on implementing OpenID connect/OAuth authentication via Google, Launchpad and GitHub.

AuthenticationAttackDefense - Roundup includes some defenses against brute-force authentication attacks. Other defenses can be added on a per-tracker basis to the to the html interface.

See also: Security section of CustomisationExamples.


EfficientImageServing - how to hook the imgproxy server into Roundup for efficiently serving attached images.


RoundupBackup -- Simple Roundup Backup

ChangePropertyType -- a possible way to change the type of a property

DeployWithK3s -- test deployment on Kubernetes (k8s) using the k3s binary

Extra how to docs

Hopefully these are not needed with current Roundup documentation:

RoundupWithWsgi -- Some examples for deploying roundup with wsgi

MigrateToZeroEight -- Migration example from 0.7.11 to 0.8.1 on Windows

RoundupPostgres -- An overview of one persons attempt to get roundup talking to postgres