.. meta:: :description: Documentation on the XMLRPC interface to the Roundup Issue Tracker. Includes sample clients. .. index:: triple: api; xml; remote procedure call pair: api; xmlrpc ========================= XML-RPC access to Roundup ========================= .. contents:: :local: Introduction ============ Version 1.4 of Roundup includes an XML-RPC frontend for remote access. The XML-RPC interface allows a limited subset of commands similar to those found in local `roundup-admin` tool. By default XML-RPC is accessible from ``/xmlrpc`` endpoint: http://username:password@localhost:8000/xmlrpc For demo tracker the URL would be: http://localhost:8917/demo/xmlrpc Enabling XML-RPC ================ There are two ways to run the XML-RPC interface: through roundup itself stand alone roundup-xmlrpc-server Through Roundup --------------- The XML-RPC service is available from the roundup HTTP server under /xmlrpc. To enable this set ``enable_xmlrpc`` to ``yes`` in the ``[web]`` section of the ``config.ini`` file in your tracker. Each user that needs access must include the "Xmlrpc Access" role. To add this new permission to the "User" role you should change your schema.py to add:: db.security.addPermissionToRole('User', 'Xmlrpc Access') This is usually included near where other permissions like "Web Access" or "Email Access" are assigned. Standalone roundup-xmlrpc-server -------------------------------- Using Roundup to access the xmlrpc interface is preferred. Roundup provides better control over who can use the interface. The Roundup XML-RPC standalone server must be started before remote clients can access the tracker via XML-RPC. ``roundup-xmlrpc-server`` is installed in the scripts directory alongside ``roundup-server`` and ``roundup-admin``. When invoked, the location of the tracker instance must be specified. roundup-xmlrpc-server -i ``/path/to/tracker`` The default port is ``8000``. An alternative port can be specified with the ``--port`` switch. Security Consideration ====================== Both the standalone and embedded roundup XML endpoints used the default python XML parser. This parser is know to have security issues. For details see: https://pypi.org/project/defusedxml/. You may wish to use the rest interface which doesn't have the same issues. Patches with tests to roundup to use defusedxml are welcome. .. caution:: The current standalone ``roundup-xmlrpc-server`` implementation does not support SSL. This means that usernames and passwords will be passed in cleartext unless the server is proxied behind another server (such as Apache or lighttpd) that provides SSL. Client API ========== The server currently implements seven methods/commands. Each method requires that the user provide a username and password in the HTTP authorization header in order to authenticate the request against the tracker. ======= ==================================================================== Command Description ======= ==================================================================== schema Fetch tracker schema. list arguments: *classname, [property_name]* List all elements of a given ``classname``. If ``property_name`` is specified, that is the property that will be displayed for each element. If ``property_name`` is not specified the default label property will be used. display arguments: *designator, [property_1, ..., property_N]* Display a single item in the tracker as specified by ``designator`` (e.g. issue20 or user5). The default is to display all properties for the item. Alternatively, a list of properties to display can be specified. create arguments: *classname, arg_1 ... arg_N* Create a new instance of ``classname`` with ``arg_1`` through ``arg_N`` as the values of the new instance. The arguments are name=value pairs (e.g. ``status='3'``). set arguments: *designator, arg_1 ... arg_N* Set the values of an existing item in the tracker as specified by ``designator``. The new values are specified in ``arg_1`` through ``arg_N``. The arguments are name=value pairs (e.g. ``status='3'``). lookup arguments: *classname, key_value* looks up the key_value for the given class. The class needs to have a key and the user needs search permission on the key attribute and id for the given classname. filter arguments: *classname, list or None, attributes* ``list`` is a list of ids to filter. It can be set to None to run filter over all values (requires ``allow_none=True`` when instantiating the ServerProxy). The ``attributes`` are given as a dictionary of name value pairs to search for. See also :ref:`query-tracker`. ======= ==================================================================== Sample Python Client ==================== This client will work if you turn off the x-requested-with header and the only CSRF header check you require is the HTTP host header:: >>> import xmlrpclib >>> roundup_server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('http://admin:admin@localhost:8917/demo/xmlrpc', allow_none=True) >>> roundup_server.schema() {'user': [['username', ''], ...], 'issue': [...]} >>> roundup_server.list('user') ['admin', 'anonymous', 'demo'] >>> roundup_server.list('issue', 'id') ['1'] >>> roundup_server.display('issue1') {'assignedto' : None, 'files' : [], 'title' = 'yes, ..... } >>> roundup_server.display('issue1', 'priority', 'status') {'priority' : '1', 'status' : '2'} >>> roundup_server.set('issue1', 'status=3') >>> roundup_server.display('issue1', 'status') {'status' : '3' } >>> roundup_server.create('issue', "title='another bug'", "status=2") '2' >>> roundup_server.filter('user',None,{'username':'adm'}) ['1'] >>> roundup_server.filter('user',['1','2'],{'username':'adm'}) ['1'] >>> roundup_server.filter('user',['2'],{'username':'adm'}) [] >>> roundup_server.filter('user',[],{'username':'adm'}) [] >>> roundup_server.lookup('user','admin') '1' Advanced Python Client Adding anti-csrf Headers =============================================== The one below adds Referer and X-Requested-With headers so it can pass stronger CSRF detection methods. It also generates a fault message from the server and reports it. Note if you are using http rather than https, replace xmlrpclib.SafeTransport with xmlrpclib.Transport:: try: from xmlrpc import client as xmlrpclib # python 3 except ImportError: import xmlrpclib # python 2 hostname="localhost" path="/demo" user_pw="admin:admin" class SpecialTransport(xmlrpclib.SafeTransport): def send_content(self, connection, request_body): connection.putheader("Referer", "https://%s%s/"%(hostname, path)) connection.putheader("Origin", "https://%s"%hostname) connection.putheader("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest") connection.putheader("Content-Type", "text/xml") connection.putheader("Content-Length", str(len(request_body))) connection.endheaders() if request_body: connection.send(request_body) roundup_server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy( 'https://%s@%s%s/xmlrpc'%(user_pw,hostname,path), transport=SpecialTransport(), verbose=False, allow_none=True) print(roundup_server.schema()) print(roundup_server.display('user2', 'username')) print(roundup_server.display('issue1', 'status')) print(roundup_server.filter('user',['1','2','3'],{'username':'demo'})) # this will fail with a fault try: print(roundup_server.filter('usr',['0','2','3'],{'username':'demo'})) except Exception as msg: print(msg) modify this script replacing the hostname, path and user_pw with those for your tracker.